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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Waiting On Christmas Morn, Christmas verse # 2

Waiting on Christmas morn…

(insert child’s name)__ slept and ______ dreamed
of a golden star upon the Christmas tree,
and on the tree were pretty lights,
of red and green and blue and white,
and in her dream there were gifts below,
wrapped in paper with shiny bows,
sitting there beneath the tree
waiting for Christmas morn;

And as _____ slept and as ______ dreamed
of Christmas gifts and Christmas trees,
she dreamed of deer that danced and played
like children while the sleigh bells rang,
fun and games they played all night,
some would sled, their smiles bright,
while the snowflakes fell
waiting for Christmas morn;

And, in _____’s dream, she saw snow fall
down from the sky, onto the lawn,
and the deer would make a man from snow
with candy eyes and a carrot nose,
and the deer in all their winter games
would give each man of snow a name
as they played out on the lawn
waiting for Christmas morn;

And in the snow that fell that night,
men made from snow came to life,
with yellow mittens to keep hands warm
and a long yellow scarf made of yarn,
and the snowmen played and danced and sang
on the lawn in _______’s dream,
with the deer and with the elves
waiting for Christmas morn;

As ____ slept and as _____ dreamed,
of snow and deer and gifts and things,
of yellow mittens on men of snow
of Christmas trees with gifts below,
in her dreams she saw the land
where Santa makes his Christmas plans,
there he was, a jolly elf,
waiting for Christmas morn;

The elves, they worked in ____’s dream,
side by side, building toys and dreams
for little boys and for little girls,
for Christmas day across the world,
and now and then outside they would go
to play with the deer and the men made of snow,
working and playing in Santa’s land
waiting for Christmas morn;

Then the elves finished their work for the night,
Santa was proud, his eyes lit up bright
when he saw all the candy, the presents, the toys
to be given to all the good little girls and boys
as Christmas gifts on Christmas Day,
all of these gifts that the elves made
for all the little boys and girls
waiting for Christmas morn;

Santa called to the deer for there was work to be done,
and in front of the sleigh they lined up, one by one,
as the toys were loaded upon to the sleigh
the deer went to work and stopped all their play,
happy they were to be a part of the plan
when gifts are delivered to children all over the land,
a surprise for those asleep in their beds,
waiting for Christmas morn;

Up, up, and away, the sleigh it did go
and waving goodbye were the men made of snow
and the elves waved goodbye as they went out to play
fun winter games as the sleigh bells rang,
and Santa waved back from his seat way up high
and the deer were proud of the sleigh they did guide,
as they delivered gifts to children
waiting for Christmas morn;

One by one, to each house they did go,
landing on rooftops and traveling through snow,
delivering presents and candy and toys
to all of the good little girls and boys
all over the world and across the land,
by midnight, that is the plan
for all the good little girls and boys
waiting on Christmas morn;

And as ______ slept and as ______ dreamed,
she saw Santa deliver the toys and dreams,
then the deer guided the sleigh back to the land
where Santa would make new Christmas plans,
when deer and elves and men made of snow
would find their gifts wrapped up in bows
just like the little boys and girls
waiting on Christmas morn;

And as _____ awoke with a yawn,
she looked to see if deer had played on the lawn,
as they delivered gifts to boys and girls
waiting on Christmas morn;

As she left her room and walked through the house
she hoped for signs as she looked about,
that Santa had come with his sleigh full of toys
meant for all the good little girls and boys,
waiting on Christmas morn;

And though now awake, like _____ had dreamed
she saw a golden star upon the Christmas tree,
and on the tree were pretty lights,
of red and green and blue and white,
and as in her dream there were gifts below,
wrapped in paper with shiny bows,
sitting there beneath the tree
waiting on Christmas morn.

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