Blog Archive

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Halloween, verse #4

Happy Halloween…

Put the oar in the cauldron, turn to the left,
see the bubbles arise, time to throw in the bat,
let it simmer a while, the clock will strike six,
all this cooking is hard, it’s not easy being a witch,
at Halloween time, we must fly about,
appearances high, and legends abound,
we’re expected to frighten, we’re expected to tease,
yet still give away candy on each Halloween,
our brooms get so tired, the cat stifles a yawn,
our feet get so achy chasing trick-or-treaters off lawns,
still we get no respect for all the work that we do,
taunting and scaring and summoning ghouls,
but when the season is over we’ll return to our rest,
just witches-in-waiting, to do our Halloween best.

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