Blog Archive

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Birthday, verse # 18 (the future astronaut)

Happy Birthday…

Fire streams below you,
engines fire off,
you quickly go to another plane
with cameras, plans, and logs,
exploring in your starship
planets, stars, and moons,
studying through your window
the Earth, the Sun, the Moon,
excitedly you sail past Jupiter,
Venus, Pluto, Mars,
and marvel at the beauty
and the brightness of the stars,
then you slide along Saturn’s rings,
laughing all the way,
as you travel in your starship
heading toward the Milky Way,
then you wave to Hercules
and find that he waves back,
then you race with Pegasus
to the edge of the universe and back,
and as you keep your journal,
your notes along the way,
you have had a dream come true,
but uncertain when you awake,
was it real or just a dream,
this birthday trip you’ve made,
but study hard and study well,
someday for real this trip you’ll make.

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