Blog Archive

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Merry Christmas, verse # 7 (the snowman)

Merry Christmas…

Merry man made of snow,
mitten hands and a carrot nose,
peppermint eyes and licorice lips,
if he can, we’ve never seen him flip
or dance or smoke his coal black pipe
but he glistens in the cold moonlight
as he looks up to the Heavens above,
this man of snow, made with love
that fell to Earth as snow and ice,
watch real close, maybe he’ll come to life
but if nothing else, he’s a happy elf
standing there all by himself,
a man of snow with a constant smile,
he’ll smile on us for a little while,
until it warms and he melts away,
perhaps new snow will fall on Christmas Day,
and again we’ll build a man of snow,
a merry man with a carrot nose,
who will dance if only in our dreams
in an overcoat and old worn jeans.

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