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Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving, verse # 13

Happy Thanksgiving…

Blessed by another year of living,
amazed by the wonders of the Earth,
quieted by the beauty of the seasons,
and humbled by the land left undisturbed;
Favored with the love that lives around us,
joyful with each new birth that comes to be,
content yet always striving for tomorrow,
and hopeful of the tomorrow it shall be;
Indebted for the wonders all around us,
grateful for all we have received,
knowing they are prayers that have been answered,
and willing to be prayerful in thanksgiving;
So, as we gather ‘round the family table,
as we enjoy the fellowship of friends,
may we remember the love we have been granted,
and be thankful for all the gifts we have received.

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