Blog Archive

Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Birthday, verse # 15

Happy Birthday…

Each year there are cards and each year there’s a cake,
there are the wishes from others and the wishes you’ll make;
but this year, as candles glow and you count the years gone by,
is the dream that you knew long ago part of your life?
Do you wake in the night and wonder what your life could have been?
Do you think about having chosen a different path, why, and when?
So make this year different, make this year count,
build a map to the dream, begin by marking the route;
then return to the past, a step backwards in time,
create the future with what you want for your life.
And know as you travel, you are not alone,
for I will be there with you, encouraging you on,
as you find life’s meaning, remember your reason to be,
and return to walking the path of your dream.

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